Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summertime, the Livin's Easy (well, mostly)

So the first official day of summer was yesterday - but my summer has been in full swing for nearly 3 weeks. I. love. summer. Not because I can be a lazy bum if I want (well, having the option is nice I suppose), but because I can get things done - and make a few extra bucks working part time! On the agenda for this summer: make it through summer semester alive (school has been tricky this semester!), organize/establish a craft closet (check!), clean out all of the closets (master bedroom - check!), clean out the garage, and do some crafts! I. love crafts. My dream job (after being a model - ha, pretty sure my 27-year-old, 5'1 3/4" self can kiss that one goodbye) is to make and sell crafts! It can be, bags, paintings, photography, etc. I wish I had more time to craft. BUT - I have started and finished my first summer craft, so I thought I'd post to share. I found this idea/pattern/how-the-heck-do-I-do-this from this website my sister-in-law, Erin, shared with me called craftgawker. This website is awesome and is definitely a great distraction from anything more important I should be doing! Anyways, here is my first project - a fun beach tote! I'm no seamstress, but I'm learning (on my mom's 1970's heavy, old, metal sewing machine)!